Houston Site Work Contractors

North Houston Tandem, Inc. has been serving site work contractors in and around the Greater Houston area for over fifteen years. We are a minority company that specializes in providing our customers with select fill, common fill, and hauling off overburden at a competitive price.

We have established and make it a priority to keep good relationships with customers and vendors in the earthwork construction industry. We are committed to job safety and meeting the production needs of our customers. North Houston Tandem, Inc. has office personnel, field managers, and estimators ready to serve you today.


North Houston Tandem, Inc. can deliver Select Fill, Top Soil, and Bank Sand for Commercial Building Pads, Residential Pads, Neighborhood Pads, for commercial land management and so much more. We have three (3) pit locations in the area.


We are site work contractors. We do residential projects such as driveways, foundation sites & clearing and commercial projects including parking lots, pad sites, strip centers and large commercial clearing.



We supply Houston construction and sitework companies with all their earth hauling materials, such as select fill, topsoil, clay base, sand, and crushed concrete. We can quote projects by the hour for on-site and by the load for off site. We have truck foremen for you to talk to directly to ensure that we are providing a safe and satisfactory job.

What Our Clients Are Saying

No Job is Too Big or Too Small

Houston Site Work Contractors

Earth Materials – Trucking Services – Excavation – Land Clearing

Call (281) 252-6500

North Houston Tandem Inc. - Houston Site Work Contractors

Office Location

North Houston Tandem, Inc.

31822 Winter Lane
Pinehurst, Texas 77362

(281) 252-6500

(281) 252-4446

Office Hours

Mon-Fri: 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Sat-Sun: Closed

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North Houston Tandem Inc. - Houston Site Work Contractors